
15. mai 2019

Bunadsgerilja, 17.mai, Nordmørsbunad

De siste ukene har bunadsbilder blitt publisert i 1000-tall. Jeg får ikke besteget noen fjell med min Nordmørsbunad men å lage en spiselig en, det fikser jeg !!

En riktig fin 17. mai ønskes dere alle!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Takk for kjempefin blogg :)

  2. Use this diet hack to drop 2 lb of fat in just 8 hours

    Well over 160000 women and men are hacking their diet with a easy and secret "water hack" to burn 2 lbs every night in their sleep.

    It's very easy and works on everybody.

    You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:

    1) Take a clear glass and fill it up half the way

    2) Then do this amazing hack

    so you'll be 2 lbs thinner the next day!
